Local Suppliers

We proudly work with a wide range of local suppliers in order to put together our menu, sourcing local meat, seafood, cheese, wine, ice cream and so much more. Take a look at our local suppliers and what they have to offer…


Prentice Butchers are a well-known Torquay-based family run butchers, providing us with high-quality cuts of meat throughout the year. You can find their fantastic steaks and sausages on our dishes!

Marshfield Farm Ice Cream

Marshfield Farm is a home, a farm and a multi award-winning ice cream manufacturer. They create luxurious flavours for all the family to enjoy, from real dairy ice cream to fresh fruit sorbets, plant based ice creams and Scoop's ice cream for dogs too!

Brixham Crab Company

The Brixham Crab Company is a local family run business with many years of experience in the industry, producing the finest crab products around. You can find their fantastic crab incorporated into our seafood dishes.


Dole plc is an Irish-American agricultural multinational corporation headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. The company is among the world's largest producers of fruit and vegetables, operating with 38,500 full-time and seasonal employees who supply some 300 products in 75 countries.


Tolchards are a leading drinks wholesaler covering the South of England. They’re known for providing some of the South-West’s favourite alcoholic drinks, including beer, wine and spirits. Come in and try some of their specialties.

Bays Brewery

Bays Brewery are a well-known Brewery, based in the South-West. With their wide and diverse range of beverages spanning beers, ales, ciders, wines and spirits, Bays offer us and our customers a fantastic range of refreshing drinks.

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Feel free to get in contact with one of our team to discuss special events or specific dietary requirements you need information about.

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